Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I dunno why, but Wildfire was always my favorite member of the Legion of Superheroes. I just liked the way he looked when I was a little kid, I guess. Timber Wolf was cool, too. And Cosmic Boy just plain sucked. Tough to look butch in pink tights!

This was a quick sketch for the San Diego Comic Con souvenir book, I inked it up just for fun! Every year CAPS does a jam piece and this year we picked the 50th anniversary of the Legion of Superheroes. Wow, 50 years? Isn't the 30th century here yet? I want my Legion flight ring already!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Woman's Work

I just wrapped up work on a great little independent movie called Woman's Work, directed by Chad Benton. It's a short film about a housewife who accidentally discovers she is a superhero, and how she balances the life of a superhero with being a mother and a wife. It was a ton of fun! It should soon be making the film festival circuit and hopefully showing at San Diego Comic Con this year! You can find out more on the movie website here.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Loss of Inspiration: Dave Stevens

It's been almost a month since I heard Dave Stevens died, and it still hasn't quite sunken in. Dave was one of the nicest and most talented artists I've had the pleasure of meeting. I didn't even know he had Leukemia. He was only 52. He always seemed happy and healthy. I didn't know Dave that well, but we took a painting class at Associates in Art together. I was shocked to see Dave in a class he easily could have been teaching! He was always learning and looking to take his talent even further which is a hallmark of a great artist. His paintings where gorgeous. After an hour or two, he would have what to my eyes was a finished masterpiece and I had barely finished my lay-in! We always talked at conventions whenever we saw each other. Dave was always inspiring and encouraging. I'm really going to miss that. I'll treasure his art always.

His webmaster offers a great suggestion that I hope you will consider:
For anyone attending the San Diego Comic Con this year, please wear a Rocketeer shirt or pin as a way of remembering Dave at the Con. You don't have to say anything, or do anything, just represent Dave's memory with an image of his best-known creation.